TRIZ (the Russian acronym for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) is a unique knowledge-based technology for generating new concepts. The power of TRIZ is based on the understanding of the evolution of successful products, ways to overcome psychological barriers and generalization of the ways used to solve problems in the most innovative inventions. TRIZ involves a systematic analysis of a problem to be solved and the application of a series of guidelines for the generation of solutions and alternatives.
Competencies Addressed
- Understand the fundamental tools of TRIZ and how they might be applied to your technical processes.
- Learn how to incorporate innovation while maximizing utilization of the system resources.
- Understand how to develop breakthrough concepts in the generation of new products and processes.
- Learn how the application of TRIZ methods can produce powerful results: the elimination of engineering conflicts and the reduction of cycle time for design problem-solving.
Topics covered:
- Basic Concepts of TRIZ
- Analysis of a Situation and Problem Formulation
- Ideal Ways (the best directions to design the ideal product or process)
- Solving a class of problems called an
Insufficient Function - Solving a class of problems called a Conflict
- Solving a class of problems called a Harmful or Unwanted Function
- Solving a class of Problems called Measurement
- Solving a class of problems Revealing the Causes of a Failure