A Training & Consulting Solution for
Organizations Seeking to Optimize Operations.
Six Sigma is a Process of using Statistical Tools And Techniques To Reduce Defects To Virtually Zero As a Means to Achieve Total Customer Satisfaction.
It‘s about Teamwork, Precision, Control …..and Speed
In 1986, Motorola pioneered the Six Sigma methodology in order to achieve the company‘s unprecedented goal of a hundred fold improvement in quality within five years. Since that time, the methodology has delivered dramatic business results for Motorola.
What is Six SigmaTM?
It is first and foremost a business process that enables companies to increase profits dramatically by streamlining operations, improving quality, and eliminating defects or mistakes in everything a company does, from filling out purchase orders to manufacturing airplane engines. While traditional quality programs have focused on detecting and correcting defects, Six Sigma encompasses something broader: It provides specific methods to re-create the process itself so that defects are never produced in the first place.
Most companies operate at a three – to – four sigma level, where the cost of defects is roughly 20 to 30 percent of revenues. By approaching Six Sigma fewer than one defect per 3.4 million opportunities – the cost of quality drops to less than 1 percent of sales.
This is because the highest quality also results in the lower costs. When GE reduced its cost from 20 percent to less than 10 percent, it saved a billion dollars in just two years – money that goes directly to the bottom line. This is the reason Wall Street and corporations as diverse as Texas Instruments, Canon, Hitachi, Lockheed Martin, American Express, Toshiba, DuPont, and Polaroid have embarked on corporate wide Six Sigma programs.